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London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Badge for Moggus Moggus, Ruler of London Borough of Richmond upon Thames


The player Moggus holds 5291 badges of 2830 types. Moggus played 202 full and 7437 half quadrants, totalling in 7639 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 150007 km(3 players), 139598 km(2 players), 139563 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 5 players33615 km, 5 players25088 km, 5 players20651 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3264 days olifant-1, 3259 days olifant-1, 3214 days olifant-2
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2839 days, 2826 days, 2732 days, 2725 days, 2705 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.51 Kyrabor-4, 6.45 Gaensebluemchen-1, 6.22 Barney.vk-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 3./546 Different Regions Played3./392 Lonesome Players, Absolute3./371 Leaf Regions Played First3./329 Own Badges in Regions3./56 Countries Ruled or Mapped.
 Has badges in 27 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Poland Poland Indonesia Indonesia The Netherlands The Netherlands France France Ireland Ireland Slovakia Slovakia Croatia Croatia Belgium Belgium Singapore Singapore Romania Romania Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Luxembourg Luxembourg Bulgaria Bulgaria Jordan Jordan Isle of Man Isle of Man Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Montenegro Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Moggus.

166 Buddies of Moggus

drii, Horand, wuffel, Bomo, windthings, Jaxel, olifant, color_poisoning, thorkel, Wurm, DaanVZ, Rainbow, XLV1, Bart23, Phii, Megachip, Heisenberg, HaraldLegner, missisStone, Barney.vk, Kosmokrat, Skralg, pj007, Hunter, redgate, Corence, Ellikatz, BoF-GB, carlptr, Kleiner, SzyMarek, asp_fan_cb, Trolske, jenzanos, Lingonberry, DasUmmi, FotografieStorch, InI4, Kyrabor, DI74, Nananana, werla, gotchas, Aguti, jellybelly, Gaensebluemchen, Tanuki, Goldesel, WalterBlue, Anolis, Leckmuschel, mc1r, T-Rex, Jerk, Knuspakex, michixlol, MasterFlo, Ratte, Ilexa, _yak, Pieper, 4N3G4ZPK, Kanellar, lucy, Bumblebee, Dasm, Nick, NasenBaer, kredrimi, QueenOfNowhere, doodydaddy, dorima, JohnFlame, Busterania, Gimboid13, VincentVega23, Uschidibb, Ardik, Derholzspan, GeHa, Loki, wolfie112, Auraren, onlineflow, Xyval, Saniafeh, MegaAnt, ThorsGate, Wickie, Matze, CrazyChris, Laphroaig, xwusel, Blackcats, Broodjeprepare, ibleedhope, DTas, Hugosoft, TurboNeko, shibby_ronson, Spes, gasttor, Mace, Herr_Korn, AleksUA, rabe85, dessek, Karthoo, NaseBier, gokp, Bieppie, loguk, Neloras, Felix11, SneakyJohn, alexs77, Goak, ChrisH, Stina-Stenstump, Fabienne, blaues_Wunder, Daiten, Be5t, Tanam, Usagi91, soaquila, ItsMe57, Blink67, JollyRoger, Team-13-RDR, 1Test1, KlapperKero, Tanyathon, idle, baumpilz, Uhu712, SteffiRebelo, Mottenmann, Svenibeu, Alznap, gemslein, Krypton1984, olilo, skipscene, Zaphot, Kaffeekanne, Snoopy, DaiRyu, RodaSharky, erebos, reinerh, RichardStomp, manjartens, killerZoteXXX, seeflieger, Walkeroi, Schatzforscher, IchBinDannMalWei, Kellu73, Waws, LittleBoo, kknkj, Grinsekatze, Stil, Wrona, Plueschi

181 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Moggus

United Kingdom England South East England Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Landstraße South West England Hampshire Indonesia Bali West Midlands Innere Stadt Leicestershire Alsergrund Leopoldstadt Neubau Yorkshire and the Humber Greater London Ireland Leinster Munster County Clare Connacht County Galway Slovakia Region of Bratislava Bratislava District of Bratislava I Moerdijk Bergen op Zoom KG Leopoldstadt Hertfordshire Somerset Central Bedfordshire Bad Fallingbostel - Bad Fambossel Garlstorf Mariahilf City of London Margareten Einhausen Iceland Wales Southern Region District of Bratislava II Ružinov Hart North Yorkshire Surrey Elmbridge Rangárþing eystra Bláskógabyggð Suðurnesjabær Gemeinde Schwechat Cochem Simmering Forst (Lausitz) - Baršć Canton Esch-sur-Alzette Harborough District Woensdrecht East Hampshire Winchester Dorset District of Bratislava V Guildford Devon Wiltshire West Berkshire Bulgaria Test Valley Canton Capellen Canton Luxembourg Vatican City London Borough of Southwark London Borough of Hillingdon City of Westminster London Borough of Tower Hamlets Whitechapel London Borough of Hounslow London Borough of Lambeth London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough of Ealing Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea London Borough of Camden London Borough of Richmond upon Thames North Sheen London Borough of Wandsworth West Sussex Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames Wakefield London Borough of Croydon Reigate and Banstead Dorfmark East Sussex Wealden District Berkhof Cumbria Dublin London Borough of Merton Bad Tennstedt Beernem Elze Monmouthshire Newport Swansea Pembrokeshire Powys The Borough Brighton and Hove Ardennes Prüm Jordan Aqaba Aqaba Qasabah District Quairah District Maan Petra District Chichester Rushen Middle Santarém Ourém Leiria Tomar Saudi Arabia Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire and Peterborough South Cambridgeshire Makkah Region Leicester City of Leicester Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine Saint-Malo Rennes Pays de la Loire Vestmannaeyjabær Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Badung Halderberge Lützel Somerset Council Sofia-City Sofia Blagoevgrad Bansko Bansko Pazardzhik Plovdiv Plovdiv Plovdiv North Yorkshire Council Gianyar Banten Denpasar Special Capital Region of Jakarta West Java Grange-Over-Sands Westmorland and Furness Karawang Subang Indramayu Cirebon Central Java Brebes Tegal Banyumas Kebumen Special Region of Yogyakarta Klaten Sukoharjo Surakarta Sragen East Java Ngawi Nganjuk Jombang Surabaya Probolinggo Lumajang Banyuwangi Jembrana