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Badge for shibby_ronson shibby_ronson, Mapper of Oise


The player shibby_ronson holds 815 badges of 753 types. shibby_ronson played 391 full and 920 half quadrants, totalling in 1311 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 84537 km(3 players), 84426 km(6 players), 81585 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 9 players7534 km, 8 players19212 km, 8 players12421 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3085 days carlptr-3, 3018 days carlptr-9, 3016 days carlptr-12
 Oldest weekly badges held: 861 days, 808 days, 788 days, 640 days, 566 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.45 Gaensebluemchen-1, 6.04 Gaensebluemchen-3, 5.93 Jaxel-2
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 15./154 Most Exclusive Producer20./154 Creators by Best Badge28./117 Free Capacity34./177 Most Painted Badges40./155 Played in Countries.
 Has badges in 9 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark The Netherlands The Netherlands France France Belgium Belgium Egypt Egypt

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of shibby_ronson.

90 Buddies of shibby_ronson

Bomo, Wurm, Jaxel, Bumblebee, jenzanos, gemslein, Ilexa, Megachip, Aguti, jellybelly, Phii, drii, wuffel, HaraldLegner, Egga, DasUmmi, DaanVZ, color_poisoning, olifant, BoF-GB, gotchas, Felix11, carlptr, Ellikatz, Rainbow, Hunter, Gaensebluemchen, Goldesel, Uschidibb, Busterania, T-Rex, Bart23, GeHa, Kleiner, _yak, Barney.vk, knumitiv, Kosmokrat, kredrimi, Moggus, werla, Derholzspan, erebos, soaquila, Ardik, blaues_Wunder, InI4, XLV1, olilo, Dasm, thorkel, Loki, Knuspakex, Anolis, Kyrabor, skipscene, Snoopy, Pieper, Coconut99, Nick, lucy, Uhu712, Eule, Krypton1984, Waws, alexs77, 4N3G4ZPK, Leckmuschel, pj007, asp_fan_cb, rabe85, Blackcats, NasenBaer, JohnFlame, Schatzforscher, Hugosoft, Broodjeprepare, datenhamster, CrazyChris, IchBinDannMalWei, TurboNeko, Trolske, nirub, Grinsekatze, Svenibeu, Heisenberg, Klugey, MasterFlo, gasttor, kaputterfarn

12 Regions Ruled or Mapped by shibby_ronson

Kreis Paderborn Soest Kreis Düren Somme Oise Compiègne Rostock Ortsbeirat 7 : Schmarl Ortsbeirat 14 : Stadtmitte Schwerte Finistère Péronne