On the web:
Hvide Sande
Hvide Sande

Badge for shibby_ronson shibby_ronson, Ruler of Hvide Sande


The player shibby_ronson holds 698 badges of 624 types. shibby_ronson played 308 full and 694 half quadrants, totalling in 1002 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 41951 km(2 players), 37412 km(3 players), 37300 km(6 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 8 players8316 km, 8 players5221 km, 8 players3621 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2968 days carlptr-3, 2901 days carlptr-9, 2899 days carlptr-12
 Oldest weekly badges held: 744 days, 691 days, 671 days, 523 days, 449 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.90 Jaxel-2, 5.49 MasterFlo-18, 5.33 shibby_ronson-17
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 15./139 Most Exclusive Producer22./139 Creators by Best Badge28./160 Time per Latest Badge Levels28./122 Free Capacity30./140 Played in Countries.
 Has badges in 8 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Denmark Denmark The Netherlands The Netherlands France France Belgium Belgium Egypt Egypt

8 Regions Ruled or Mapped by shibby_ronson

Somme Oise Compiègne Uelzen Schwerte Finistère Péronne Hvide Sande

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of shibby_ronson.

69 Buddies of shibby_ronson

Bomo, Wurm, Jaxel, Bumblebee, jenzanos, Ilexa, Phii, Megachip, wuffel, Egga, DaanVZ, color_poisoning, olifant, drii, gotchas, HaraldLegner, Aguti, BoF-GB, Rainbow, Felix11, carlptr, Goldesel, Ellikatz, Bart23, GeHa, jellybelly, Uschidibb, Kleiner, Busterania, Moggus, T-Rex, erebos, soaquila, Hunter, Kosmokrat, Barney.vk, blaues_Wunder, kredrimi, XLV1, Ardik, _yak, Dasm, Anolis, InI4, Nick, skipscene, Kyrabor, Waws, Hugosoft, Leckmuschel, lucy, JohnFlame, Schatzforscher, pj007, alexs77, Gaensebluemchen, thorkel, nirub, TurboNeko, Loki, datenhamster, Broodjeprepare, Eule, Blackcats, DasUmmi, asp_fan_cb, Svenibeu, Trolske, NasenBaer