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Badge for NasenBaer NasenBaer, Mapper of Opfingen


The player NasenBaer holds 1060 badges of 883 types. NasenBaer played 322 full and 1080 half quadrants, totalling in 1402 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 13978 km(3 players), 8961 km(2 players), 8884 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 3004 days color_poisoning-1, 2962 days color_poisoning-5, 2909 days color_poisoning-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1874 days, 1130 days, 861 days, 687 days, 613 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.92 toadie3k-8, 5.31 carlptr-114, 4.93 Ellikatz-24
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 19./177 Most Painted Badges25./174 Time per Latest Badge Levels27./117 Free Capacity30./105 Gifts Taken32./421 Foreign Power in Hand.
 Has badges in 3 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria Italy Italy

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of NasenBaer.

78 Buddies of NasenBaer

olifant, color_poisoning, Rainbow, XLV1, DaanVZ, soaquila, thorkel, carlptr, michixlol, Barney.vk, 4N3G4ZPK, KlapperKero, Herr_Korn, wuffel, Ellikatz, Bomo, QueenOfNowhere, InI4, Kosmokrat, Jaxel, AleksUA, Nananana, GeHa, knumitiv, drii, NaseBier, Auraren, mxke, BioscientistMary, Walkeroi, SzyMarek, dorima, Ratte, erebos, Heinzelmann, Uschidibb, Phii, Wurm, jellybelly, Pieper, Busterania, ThorsGate, Trolske, Banquienchen, jenzanos, Goldesel, olilo, TurboNeko, SneakyJohn, Schatzforscher, Bart23, mc1r, DasUmmi, Leckmuschel, Ardik, HaraldLegner, BernhardQba, WalterBlue, Mannivu, oldfather, Dasm, Megachip, Kleiner, Be5t, onlineflow, ibleedhope, shibby_ronson, Knuspakex, Loki, lucy, Moggus, Daiten, https, Gaensebluemchen, Bumblebee, Ilexa, werla, blaumersin

9 Regions Ruled or Mapped by NasenBaer

Opfingen Alsergrund GVV March-Umkirch Hochdorf Sardinia Sassari Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Schliengen VVG der Stadt Breisach am Rhein March