On the web:
Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen
Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen

Badge for Uschidibb Uschidibb, Mapper of Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen


The player Uschidibb holds 939 badges of 636 types. Uschidibb played 265 full and 1298 half quadrants, totalling in 1563 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 84448 km(4 players), 84241 km(3 players), 83401 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 5 players67217 km, 5 players46612 km, 5 players32474 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2926 days olifant-1, 2698 days idle-1, 2669 days Ardik-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1452 days, 1445 days, 1418 days, 1210 days, 1204 days
 Highest rated badges held: 7.08 Anolis-13, 6.51 Kleiner-13, 6.48 Kyrabor-4
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 32./169 Most Painted Badges37./197 Weekly Thieves38./342 Busy Voters39./342 Different Types Voted41./339 Number of Buddies.
 Has badges in 12 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Denmark Denmark Poland Poland Norway Norway France France Croatia Croatia Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary


(a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Uschidibb.

3 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Uschidibb

Amt Friesack Preetz-Land Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen

111 Buddies of Uschidibb

Kleiner, Goldesel, HaraldLegner, Phii, Megachip, GeHa, drii, BoF-GB, nirub, Ellikatz, Barney.vk, DasUmmi, olifant, carlptr, color_poisoning, T-Rex, Aguti, Leckmuschel, wuffel, Rainbow, thorkel, Hunter, XLV1, DaanVZ, Knuspakex, JohnFlame, BrianMoos, Blackcats, jellybelly, soaquila, blaues_Wunder, Moggus, olilo, Nick, _yak, InI4, Busterania, jenzanos, NasenBaer, Jaxel, Pieper, shibby_ronson, Derholzspan, werla, Gaensebluemchen, CrazyChris, asp_fan_cb, gemslein, missisStone, Svenibeu, Kyrabor, kredrimi, Loki, doinsk, MegaAnt, Kosmokrat, 1Test1, Anolis, VincentVega23, dorima, Ilexa, mc1r, Bomo, Ratte, datenhamster, alexs77, Bart23, Ardik, Saniafeh, Wurm, Robbisek, ibleedhope, Dasm, Sozioma, MasterFlo, TurboNeko, Schatzforscher, 4N3G4ZPK, Steff, TXL1, room6675, QueenOfNowhere, WalterBlue, Tanam, Zaphot, SzyMarek, Coconut99, Jeremail, Spes, Bumblebee, Snoopy, Waws, gasttor, xwusel, Stil, Uhu712, Krypton1984, Lingonberry, onlineflow, lucy, ThorsGate, michixlol, Herr_Korn, AleksUA, Alznap, https, seeflieger, erebos, Trolske, Auraren, ItsMe57