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Badge for kredrimi kredrimi, Mapper of Ost

The player kredrimi holds 974 badges of 461 types. kredrimi played 293 full and 1612 half quadrants, totalling in 1905 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 150228 km(2 players), 147683 km(3 players), 144954 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 9 players32644 km, 8 players27125 km, 7 players61544 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3104 days InI4-2, 3098 days TurboNeko-2, 3097 days TurboNeko-3
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2646 days, 2579 days, 2579 days, 2538 days, 2505 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.13 Matze-9, 5.51 VincentVega23-2, 4.87 werla-2
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 5./216 Badges in Countries6./438 Badges with Other Players15./568 Badge Travel, Total 20./537 Most Collected Player20./438 Badges in Foreign Hands.
 Has badges in 32 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Greece Greece Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America India India Estonia Estonia Finland Finland Turkey Turkey Czechia Czechia Canada Canada Poland Poland Indonesia Indonesia The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway Malaysia Malaysia France France Sweden Sweden Croatia Croatia Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Serbia Serbia Bulgaria Bulgaria Nirvana Nirvana Egypt Egypt Philippines Philippines Cape Verde Cape Verde Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of kredrimi.

125 Buddies of kredrimi

Megachip, olilo, Krypton1984, jenzanos, thorkel, Blackcats, lucy, Ellikatz, Kleiner, asp_fan_cb, werla, Knuspakex, Kosmokrat, carlptr, Barney.vk, ibleedhope, VincentVega23, Phii, olifant, HaraldLegner, InI4, Loki, jellybelly, Matze, Uhu712, Saniafeh, MasterFlo, gasttor, drii, DasUmmi, SzyMarek, 4N3G4ZPK, _yak, DaanVZ, Moggus, TurboNeko, wuffel, Spes, Leckmuschel, AleksUA, Ratte, color_poisoning, Goldesel, JohnFlame, Aguti, Eule, Felix11, Hunter, Auraren, dorima, Banquienchen, Pieper, mc1r, T-Rex, GeHa, Trolske, TeslaTecs, BoF-GB, https, Bengel, Schatzforscher, shibby_ronson, XLV1, Wurm, Uschidibb, Ilexa, dessek, Snoopy, Anolis, Nick, Bumblebee, Winehorn, Rainbow, michixlol, Busterania, Bomo, Isengrim, Nananana, Jaxel, Fledermaus, Bart23, Gaensebluemchen, ThorsGate, knumitiv, JollyRoger, Madder, Alznap, QueenOfNowhere, Heisenberg, NaseBier, Derholzspan, windthings, room6675, WalterBlue, nirub, Coconut99, Ardik, Kellu73, alexs77, missisStone, Kyrabor, Plueschi, MegaAnt, Jeremail, seeflieger, Seife, gokp, SteffiRebelo, Blackbird5, 1Test1, soaquila, Team-13-RDR, aleccale, Lila, Claudius, gotchas, .sid, erebos, troelf, blaues_Wunder, CrazyChris, loptsky, gemslein, Dasm, onlineflow

35 Regions Ruled or Mapped by kredrimi

Leipzig Mitte Landkreis Altenburger Land Altwest Südwest Stötteritz Southeast center Centre North West Landkreis Leipzig Tallinn Centre North Eutritzsch Südost Brandis Neulindenau Nordost Ost Volkmarsdorf Heiterblick Engelsdorf Paunsdorf Borsdorf Sellerhausen-Stünz Taucha Eisenberg Naunhof Gotha Zwenkau Naunhof Province of Barcelona Holzwickede Flughafen Kesklinna linnaosa Seehausen Panitzsch