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Badge for ThorsGate ThorsGate, Mapper of Chemnitz


The player ThorsGate holds 1001 badges of 555 types. ThorsGate played 346 full and 853 half quadrants, totalling in 1199 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 104040 km(2 players), 103354 km(2 players), 100923 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 5 players36440 km, 5 players25689 km, 5 players24082 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3191 days Usco-1, 3086 days Ratte-8, 2951 days Stil-2
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1224 days, 1177 days, 1150 days, 1143 days, 1143 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.77 Ellikatz-12, 4.37 Ellikatz-5, 4.35 carlptr-15
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 27./177 Most Painted Badges56./705 Total Power in Hand57./421 Foreign Power in Hand59./155 Played in Countries60./540 Own Power in Hand.
 Has badges in 11 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Switzerland Switzerland Czechia Czechia Poland Poland France France Slovenia Slovenia Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of ThorsGate.

79 Buddies of ThorsGate

XLV1, InI4, thorkel, olifant, Ratte, Barney.vk, Bomo, Jaxel, Kosmokrat, Rainbow, Ellikatz, asp_fan_cb, Hunter, Knuspakex, TurboNeko, color_poisoning, wuffel, jenzanos, Megachip, Matze, Blackcats, DasUmmi, Auraren, Stil, carlptr, SteffiRebelo, Moggus, Nananana, dorima, jellybelly, NasenBaer, Spes, olilo, 4N3G4ZPK, gasttor, TXL1, DaanVZ, Bart23, drii, MasterFlo, Herr_Korn, JohnFlame, kredrimi, QueenOfNowhere, Leckmuschel, werla, michixlol, Kleiner, Anolis, Saniafeh, rabe85, Krypton1984, Phii, Wurm, BoF-GB, idle, Banquienchen, blaues_Wunder, Robbisek, ibleedhope, HANSEBANGER, HaraldLegner, lucy, mc1r, soaquila, Plueschi, _yak, Uschidibb, Dasm, SzyMarek, Jeremail, Busterania, AleksUA, Bumblebee, Madder, aleccale, CrazyChris, Gaensebluemchen, Ilexa

21 Regions Ruled or Mapped by ThorsGate

Landkreis Bayreuth Chemnitz Zentrum Lengenfeld Erzgebirgskreis Röhrsdorf Schnaittach Veldensteiner Forst Pegnitz Bindlach Bretzfeld Betzenstein (VGem) Stollberg/Erzgeb. Verwaltungsverband Raum Weinsberg Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Oelsnitz/Vogtl. Innsbruck Steinsfurt Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Feilitzsch Oberwiesenthal okres Chomutov Weischlitz