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Badge for werla werla, Ruler of Werneuchen


The player werla holds 2661 badges of 1628 types. werla played 850 full and 1697 half quadrants, totalling in 2547 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 124150 km(3 players), 124029 km(2 players), 123504 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players60966 km, 6 players60747 km, 6 players14102 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2986 days carlptr-7, 2935 days Yirrin-2, 2924 days color_poisoning-4
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1901 days, 1901 days, 1733 days, 1613 days, 1203 days
 Highest rated badges held: 7.02 Anolis-13, 6.59 Kleiner-13, 6.45 Gaensebluemchen-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 4./154 Most Exclusive Producer9./177 Most Painted Badges21./353 Number of Buddies22./265 Most Exclusive Collector (no Duplicates)23./317 Most Valued Collection (incl. Duplicates).
 Has badges in 19 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Estonia Estonia Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark Poland Poland Croatia Croatia Singapore Singapore Romania Romania Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Nirvana Nirvana Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of werla.

136 Buddies of werla

drii, Megachip, DasUmmi, jellybelly, Ellikatz, Derholzspan, Barney.vk, Pieper, Gaensebluemchen, Loki, wuffel, thorkel, carlptr, Krypton1984, BoF-GB, Nick, olilo, kredrimi, mc1r, jenzanos, MegaAnt, Blackcats, Ilexa, olifant, gemslein, Uhu712, color_poisoning, Kleiner, Knuspakex, Moggus, InI4, _yak, Kosmokrat, Rainbow, Snoopy, onlineflow, Auraren, Anolis, Ardik, Aguti, Herr_Korn, asp_fan_cb, 1Test1, Phii, Klugey, 4N3G4ZPK, CrazyChris, T-Rex, Bomo, IchBinDannMalWei, Goldesel, Schatzforscher, Hunter, SzyMarek, Dasm, lucy, SteffiRebelo, Jaxel, Trolske, HaraldLegner, JohnFlame, Venis, WalterBlue, MasterFlo, Lingonberry, Felix11, Matze, ibleedhope, Uschidibb, Wurm, Coconut99, dorima, xwusel, soaquila, Busterania, shibby_ronson, gokp, Mottenmann, Hugosoft, XLV1, Nananana, erebos, Svenibeu, Badger, TXL1, Saniafeh, knumitiv, Bart23, ThorsGate, missisStone, Ratte, marvinpoo, ItsMe57, SteffiNa, seeflieger, Stil, Stina-Stenstump, gasttor, rabe85, toadie3k, Bumblebee, DaanVZ, michixlol, kaputterfarn, Waws, TeslaTecs, TomTom, Leckmuschel, Kellu73, Eule, ....., Daiten, KlapperKero, FotografieStorch, Fledermaus, Kaffeekanne, LittleBoo, pj007, alexs77, blaues_Wunder, NaseBier, Buller, Grinsekatze, NasenBaer, linux, Spes, Pampelmops, Alznap, Halupasch, AleksUA, brilina, NeoCortex, Steffi, Kyrabor, VincentVega23, Wrona

18 Regions Ruled or Mapped by werla

Region Zealand Guldborgsund Municipality Bad Kreuznach Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg Ginsheim-Gustavsburg Bischofsheim Stadtroda Brück Linthe Langenlonsheim Køge Municipality Gensingen Oberkrämer Güstrow-Land Werneuchen Heiligengrabe Lolland Municipality Solrød Municipality