The player Alznap holds 170 badges of 50 types.
Alznap played 29 full and 420 half quadrants, totalling in 449 quadrants.
Longest traveled badges:
141288 km (2 players) , 141278 km (2 players) , 125316 km (2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
Oldest user created badges held:
1894 days Alznap -5,
1890 days Alznap -10,
1224 days Alznap -6
Oldest weekly badges held: 2760 days, 2699 days, 2693 days, 2652 days, 2619 days
Has badges in
8 countries
(does not need to have been in all of these) :
Region Badges Over Time (A region can have two such Badges,
mapper and
ruler ):
52 Buddies of Alznap Megachip ,
idle ,
Robbisek ,
Knuspakex ,
Barney.vk ,
QueenOfNowhere ,
drii ,
Kosmokrat ,
Phii ,
thorkel ,
https ,
VincentVega23 ,
lucy ,
DasUmmi ,
asp_fan_cb ,
Pieper ,
Kleiner ,
jenzanos ,
wuffel ,
MasterFlo ,
Nananana ,
TurboNeko ,
Nick ,
kredrimi ,
SzyMarek ,
Shras ,
Blackcats ,
Horand ,
olilo ,
HaraldLegner ,
Krypton1984 ,
Saniafeh ,
michixlol ,
Uhu712 ,
hlad ,
Bomo ,
Spes ,
ibleedhope ,
Uschidibb ,
moneytoo ,
Cizinec ,
Loki ,
Leckmuschel ,
Bengel ,
BoF-GB ,
werla ,
CrazyChris ,
Jeremail ,
SemTele ,
AleksUA ,
Rainbow ,
11 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Alznap