Statistics by Grouplatest 10-15 08:35

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Popular 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay) 4 Weeks Most Actions Basic Type Vote Statistics Contested Ruler Regions Geoguess Countries Geoguessers, 100 Days Mapmin Help, quantified Quadrants per Player, Ratio World Champion
Tycoon All Level Mappers All Level Rulers Countries Mapped Countries Ruled Countries Ruled or Mapped Explorers Regions, Mapped and Ruled Regions, Mapped or Ruled
Support Image Contributors, 100 Days
Region 4 Weeks Weekly Badge Targets Contested Mapper Regions Different Quadrants Played Distinct Quadrants Played Mapper Changes Last 365d Power on Ground (Country) Region of 365d Most Played Quadrant Region Summary Ruler Changes Last 365d Transport between Countries Transport between Regions
Player 4 Week TAKE Power 4 Weeks DROP Power Badge Travel, Average Badge Travel, Total Badges in Countries Badges in Foreign Hands Badges with Other Players Different Badges in Hand Different Badges Touched Different Regions Played Different Weeklies Foreign Power in Hand Free Capacity Gifts Provided Gifts Taken Leaf Regions Played First Littering Lonesome Players, Absolute Lonesome Players, Relative Most Collected Player Number of Buddies Own Badges in Regions Own Badges on Map Own Power in Hand Played in Countries Power in Foreign Hands Quadrants one's Badges Touched Quadrants per Player, Full Quadrants per Player, Total Regions One's Badges Touched Time per Latest Badge Levels Total Badge Production Total Power in Hand Weekly Thieves
Other Badge Levels on Map Different Players on a Quadrant Frequently Held Skills Player Badge Levels Quadrants Overview
Meta 4 Weeks Statistics History Navigation 4 Weeks Statistics Page Navigation Badge FIS Meta-Pointsystem FIS Meta-Pointsystem Largest Mapper Transfers Largest Ruler Transfers Leading in Cached Statistics Most Entered Statistics, 28 days Most Navigated Statistics, 28 days Region FIS Meta-Pointsystem
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