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Badge for VincentVega23 VincentVega23, Mapper of Neukirch/Lausitz


The player VincentVega23 holds 707 badges of 474 types. VincentVega23 played 352 full and 2352 half quadrants, totalling in 2704 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 132793 km(2 players), 132792 km(2 players), 132727 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players11082 km, 5 players35296 km, 5 players26882 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2765 days Ardik-3, 2698 days SzyMarek-1, 2695 days SzyMarek-5
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2874 days, 2726 days, 2659 days, 2606 days, 2572 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.51 VincentVega23-2, 5.42 Kleiner-11, 5.32 Nick-5
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 13./223 4 Week TAKE Power14./337 Own Badges on Map19./154 Creators by Best Badge29./293 World Champion31./385 Lonesome Players, Absolute.
 Has badges in 13 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America Turkey Turkey Poland Poland Slovakia Slovakia Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Bulgaria Bulgaria Nirvana Nirvana Egypt Egypt Philippines Philippines

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of VincentVega23.

70 Buddies of VincentVega23

Megachip, jenzanos, asp_fan_cb, Saniafeh, Kleiner, room6675, Kosmokrat, Barney.vk, thorkel, Knuspakex, MasterFlo, Ellikatz, kredrimi, Matze, drii, Derholzspan, DasUmmi, Bengel, SzyMarek, Auraren, ibleedhope, QueenOfNowhere, Moggus, Usagi91, Snoopy, TurboNeko, missisStone, Nick, wuffel, flugcojt, Spes, 1Test1, https, Leckmuschel, michixlol, troelf, Nananana, Alznap, InI4, HaraldLegner, Gaensebluemchen, Sozioma, Uschidibb, Loki, Madder, BoF-GB, Uhu712, lucy, U.L.C., jellybelly, Pieper, Svenibeu, olilo, mc1r, Steffi, CrazyChris, gemslein, Blackcats, Krypton1984, 4N3G4ZPK, onlineflow, Daiten, Plueschi, Sympatyk, werla, RudiTeam, Maciej, Jeremail, Robbisek, carlptr

48 Regions Ruled or Mapped by VincentVega23

Saxony Pieschen Plauen Leipziger Vorstadt Trachau Klotzsche Landkreis Bautzen Bautzen - Budyšin Krakow Landkreis Görlitz Hellerberge Radeburg Weixdorf Ottendorf-Okrilla Wilthen Neukirch/Lausitz Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Zwickau Košice Friedrichshain Radebeul Hoyerswerda - Wojerecy Königsbrück Olbersdorf Freital Thiendorf powiat strzelecki Wachau Ortrand Schönfeld Lohmen/Stadt Wehlen Kaditz Bischofswerda Göda - Hodźij Demitz-Thumitz Königswartha - Rakecy Burgas Nesebar Berbisdorf Schirgiswalde-Kirschau Oppach-Beiersdorf Malschwitz - Malešecy Großröhrsdorf Beilrode Weißenberg - Wóspork Lubań County Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Neschwitz Neschwitz - Njeswačidło