On the web:
powiat żniński

Badge for Maciej Maciej, Mapper of powiat żniński

The player Maciej holds 47 badges of 22 types. Maciej played 4 full and 32 half quadrants, totalling in 36 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 13657 km(2 players), 13654 km(2 players), 13649 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 7 players2427 km, 5 players6826 km, 5 players6825 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 1462 days GeHa-3, 1010 days flugcojt-26, 687 days olifant-169
 Oldest weekly badges held: 687 days, 680 days, 600 days
 Highest rated badges held: 2.49 GeHa-3
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 90./105 Gifts Taken120./155 Played in Countries159./174 Time per Latest Badge Levels167./353 Number of Buddies169./421 Foreign Power in Hand.
 Has badges in 2 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Poland Poland

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Maciej.

23 Buddies of Maciej

InI4, Hunter, gasttor, rabe85, AleksUA, Bart23, Dasm, Ratte, Kosmokrat, ibleedhope, Blackbird5, TurboNeko, carlptr, XLV1, dorima, QueenOfNowhere, Usco, toadie3k, DaanVZ, wuffel, pniewonsz, flugcojt, VincentVega23

1 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Maciej

powiat żniński