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Badge for MasterFlo MasterFlo, Mapper of Giesen


The player MasterFlo holds 1463 badges of 861 types. MasterFlo played 516 full and 3323 half quadrants, totalling in 3839 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 147589 km(4 players), 123997 km(3 players), 123542 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 7 players37059 km, 7 players30768 km, 7 players27374 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2980 days InI4-9, 2971 days dorima-3, 2966 days Ratte-13
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2606 days, 2317 days, 2297 days, 2237 days, 2170 days
 Highest rated badges held: 7.02 Anolis-13, 6.51 Kyrabor-4, 6.22 Barney.vk-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 11./177 Most Painted Badges11./154 Most Exclusive Producer15./537 Most Collected Player15./438 Badges in Foreign Hands17./438 Badges with Other Players.
 Has badges in 26 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Estonia Estonia Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark Canada Canada Poland Poland The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Ireland Ireland Croatia Croatia Belgium Belgium Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Bulgaria Bulgaria Greenland Greenland Nirvana Nirvana Egypt Egypt Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of MasterFlo.

116 Buddies of MasterFlo

thorkel, drii, Megachip, Busterania, Ellikatz, Anolis, Barney.vk, JohnFlame, Ardik, jenzanos, Kleiner, olifant, carlptr, GeHa, HaraldLegner, Hunter, Goldesel, wuffel, VincentVega23, pj007, BoF-GB, mc1r, Kosmokrat, DasUmmi, asp_fan_cb, Felix11, Phii, color_poisoning, michixlol, QueenOfNowhere, Saniafeh, kredrimi, Moggus, SzyMarek, Uhu712, olilo, jellybelly, Bengel, Loki, Spes, Krypton1984, room6675, Gaensebluemchen, Rainbow, lucy, DaanVZ, Blackcats, Bumblebee, Dasm, Heisenberg, https, Bart23, Knuspakex, Trolske, Nick, Will1896, troelf, werla, blaues_Wunder, Wurm, Leckmuschel, Thanner, TurboNeko, Derholzspan, Grinsekatze, Pieper, Bomo, ibleedhope, Yirrin, soaquila, Lingonberry, ThorsGate, alexs77, T-Rex, AleksUA, InI4, Alznap, loptsky, Nananana, CrazyChris, BrianMoos, missisStone, WalterBlue, Stil, 4N3G4ZPK, kaputterfarn, Uschidibb, Aguti, Matze, Airwolf, nirub, Waws, rabe85, gasttor, Ratte, MegaAnt, Broodjeprepare, erebos, Geist, Madder, Kellu73, dorima, Usagi91, Jaxel, Fabienne, gemslein, Herr_Korn, Jeremail, 1Test1, Venis, shibby_ronson, gokp, Schatzforscher, Ilexa, Fledermaus, knumitiv

60 Regions Ruled or Mapped by MasterFlo

Altstadt Lower Saxony Region Hannover Laatzen Hanover Centre Striesen Centre Landkreis Hildesheim Holle Sarstedt Upper Palatinate Johannstadt Döhren-Wülfel Mittelfeld Linden-Limmer Calenberger Neustadt Ricklingen Landkreis Osnabrück Wernigerode Radeberger Vorstadt North Harsum Hildesheim Oststadt/Stadtfeld Achtum-Uppen Schellerten Rethen Weimar Weimar Landkreis Cham Oststadt Herrenhausen Zoo Buchholz-Kleefeld Herrenhausen Enschede Giesen Stadtmitte/Neustadt Nordstemmen Kirchrode-Bemerode-Wülferode Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab Cham Nordstadt Pirnaische Vorstadt Bad Salzdetfurth Söhlde Pattensen Moritzburg Springe Braunlage Hemmingen Freiberg Landkreis Wesermarsch Elze Sarstedt Bergeijk Hohenhameln Burgdorf