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Badge for knumitiv knumitiv, Mapper of Savoy


The player knumitiv holds 90 badges of 69 types. knumitiv played 54 full and 16 half quadrants, totalling in 70 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 3618 km(2 players), 2850 km(2 players), 2849 km(1 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 2522 days Blackcats-13, 1962 days InI4-46, 1592 days wuffel-29
 Oldest weekly badges held: 70 days, 63 days, 63 days, 56 days, 56 days
 Highest rated badges held: 4.93 knumitiv-7, 2.73 knumitiv-8, 2.46 soaquila-13
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 4./283 Quadrants per Player, Ratio16./172 Time per Latest Badge Levels36./147 Creators by Best Badge66./147 Most Exclusive Producer77./217 FIS Meta-Pointsystem.
 Has badges in 2 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany France France


(a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of knumitiv.

3 Regions Ruled or Mapped by knumitiv

Stühlinger Savoy Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

38 Buddies of knumitiv

olifant, soaquila, NaseBier, color_poisoning, Herr_Korn, NasenBaer, Rainbow, KlapperKero, thorkel, BioscientistMary, 4N3G4ZPK, XLV1, drii, BoF-GB, lucy, Megachip, Kosmokrat, Bumblebee, Madder, wuffel, kredrimi, carlptr, MasterFlo, AleksUA, gokp, Ellikatz, HaraldLegner, onlineflow, seeflieger, Phii, Ardik, werla, jenzanos, InI4, Jeremail, Aryrhas, _yak, gemslein