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Landkreis Leer

Badge for Goldesel Goldesel, Mapper of Landkreis Leer


The player Goldesel holds 1884 badges of 1141 types. Goldesel played 555 full and 2573 half quadrants, totalling in 3128 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 134308 km(2 players), 134125 km(2 players), 134118 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players14899 km, 5 players97110 km, 5 players93685 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3277 days Ratte-4, 3082 days carlptr-13, 3026 days Yirrin-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1868 days, 1835 days, 1707 days, 1674 days, 1365 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.70 Kleiner-13, 6.53 Kyrabor-4, 6.25 Goldesel-10
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 7./158 Creators by Best Badge9./200 4 Week TAKE Power15./158 Most Exclusive Producer22./362 Number of Buddies23./156 Played in Countries.
 Has badges in 23 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Greece Greece Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark Poland Poland Indonesia Indonesia The Netherlands The Netherlands France France Sweden Sweden Slovenia Slovenia Croatia Croatia Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Nirvana Nirvana Egypt Egypt

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Goldesel.

138 Buddies of Goldesel

Kleiner, HaraldLegner, Uschidibb, Phii, GeHa, drii, carlptr, Kosmokrat, Aguti, Megachip, T-Rex, olifant, Kyrabor, nirub, Hunter, gasttor, MasterFlo, color_poisoning, DaanVZ, Moggus, Schatzforscher, wuffel, Ellikatz, 4N3G4ZPK, thorkel, Barney.vk, InI4, BoF-GB, Bomo, _yak, Wurm, XLV1, NaseBier, Bart23, Busterania, Herr_Korn, QueenOfNowhere, AleksUA, Anolis, Rainbow, DasUmmi, Loki, soaquila, Heisenberg, olilo, blaues_Wunder, erebos, Blackcats, Ratte, kredrimi, werla, shibby_ronson, dorima, Trolske, jenzanos, michixlol, pj007, mc1r, CrazyChris, alexs77, SzyMarek, doinsk, Gaensebluemchen, Leckmuschel, Deltaus, JohnFlame, Ardik, onlineflow, GeoEdo, jellybelly, Krypton1984, Jaxel, Tanam, lucy, Yirrin, Spes, gotchas, asp_fan_cb, Bengel, NasenBaer, Auraren, KlapperKero, Nananana, TXL1, gemslein, Bumblebee, WalterBlue, dessek, Svenibeu, rabe85, Felix11, Derholzspan, skipscene, Pieper, JollyRoger, datenhamster, Snoopy, Lila, xwusel, Mottenmann, Ilexa, Robbisek, Dasm, Banquienchen, Grinsekatze, Nick, Venis, allerding5nein, ibleedhope, Saniafeh, .sid, Stina-Stenstump, Airwolf, Lingonberry, Horand, MegaAnt, Fabienne, Alpha_Donkey02, gokp, seeflieger, Uhu712, Winehorn, 1Test1, Karthoo, alexture, Knuspakex, Geist, redgate, benni347, Hugosoft, Daiten, windthings, Mannivu, Ulifredo, TurboNeko, Labaste, ItsMe57, missisStone

25 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Goldesel

Community of Madrid Hemelingen Landkreis Harburg Landkreis Leer Eiderstedt Leer (Ostfriesland) Landkreis Stade Hollenstedt Samtgemeinde Hollenstedt Općina Malinska-Dubašnica Carpentras Schwangau Gard Nîmes Arles Samtgemeinde Hanstedt Grad Krk Samtgemeinde Jesteburg Grad Kraljevica Westerstede Stelle Delmenhorst Stadtbezirk Bremen-Süd Extremadura Neustadt