Badge for IchBinDannMalWei IchBinDannMalWei


The player IchBinDannMalWei holds 282 badges of 124 types. IchBinDannMalWei played 49 full and 42 half quadrants, totalling in 91 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 52618 km(1 players), 40587 km(2 players), 29272 km(1 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 5 players10664 km, 5 players7641 km, 5 players7586 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2264 days MegaAnt-2, 2026 days jellybelly-4, 1853 days jellybelly-9
 Highest rated badges held: 4.66 Schatzforscher-13, 4.27 Derholzspan-6, 4.20 jellybelly-6
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 17./284 Quadrants per Player, Ratio42./102 Gifts Taken42./90 Gifts Provided100./170 Most Painted Badges103./256 Most Exclusive Collector (no Duplicates).
 Has badges in 5 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Lithuania Lithuania Portugal Portugal


(a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of IchBinDannMalWei.

23 Buddies of IchBinDannMalWei

Derholzspan, drii, DasUmmi, Megachip, jellybelly, werla, MegaAnt, Gaensebluemchen, Pieper, Loki, Barney.vk, olilo, CrazyChris, Kaffeekanne, InI4, Nick, carlptr, dorima, Ellikatz, Kosmokrat, wuffel, Moggus, 1Test1