Badge for Buller Buller

The player Buller holds 13 badges of 5 types. Buller played 0 full and 3 half quadrants, totalling in 3 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 97769 km(3 players), 97419 km(2 players), 36695 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 902 days Megachip-22, 676 days Buller-1, 675 days Buller-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 198./582 Badge Travel, Average 236./360 Number of Buddies283./582 Badge Travel, Total 304./450 Badges with Other Players308./450 Badges in Foreign Hands.

Region Badges Over Time

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10 Buddies of Buller

Ellikatz, thorkel, Uhu712, Megachip, werla, drii, Loki, Gaensebluemchen, HaraldLegner, Krypton1984