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Badge for FotografieStorch FotografieStorch, Mapper of Tías


The player FotografieStorch holds 540 badges of 220 types. FotografieStorch played 174 full and 984 half quadrants, totalling in 1158 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 147242 km(3 players), 118596 km(2 players), 113273 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 8 players11924 km, 6 players70540 km, 6 players42023 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2926 days carlptr-6, 2838 days carlptr-3, 2672 days Blackcats-7
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2532 days, 2518 days, 2485 days, 2478 days, 2418 days
 Highest rated badges held: 4.10 FotografieStorch-9, 3.76 FotografieStorch-13, 3.60 FotografieStorch-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 24./200 Weekly Thieves32./154 Most Exclusive Producer48./157 Geoguess Badge Creators50./177 Most Painted Badges56./155 Played in Countries.
 Has badges in 14 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom Latvia Latvia Italy Italy Greece Greece Finland Finland Indonesia Indonesia The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Belgium Belgium Portugal Portugal Bulgaria Bulgaria

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of FotografieStorch.

46 Buddies of FotografieStorch

pj007, Bomo, Hugosoft, Jaxel, Wurm, wuffel, Phii, olifant, color_poisoning, Moggus, DaanVZ, Heisenberg, Hunter, Rainbow, jenzanos, jellybelly, wolfie112, Aguti, _yak, Felix11, Trolske, T-Rex, Kosmokrat, XLV1, DasUmmi, gotchas, Megachip, Barney.vk, Bumblebee, Ardik, thorkel, Ilexa, SzyMarek, Ellikatz, Goak, 4N3G4ZPK, werla, gemslein, carlptr, Busterania, drii, Loki, asp_fan_cb, alexs77, Herr_Korn, Bart23

12 Regions Ruled or Mapped by FotografieStorch

Limburg Aegean Kreis Viersen Niederkrüchten Brüggen Roermond Schwalmtal Echt-Susteren Willich Peel en Maas Nord Tías