Badge for reinerh reinerh

The player reinerh holds 35 badges of 12 types. reinerh played 5 full and 30 half quadrants, totalling in 35 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 2707 km(3 players), 2530 km(3 players), 2495 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 63 days reinerh-1, 58 days reinerh-2, 52 days reinerh-3
 Oldest weekly badges held: 519 days, 117 days, 56 days, 23 days, 16 days
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 110./138 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)113./172 Time per Latest Badge Levels151./245 4 Weeks DROP Power170./245 4 Week TAKE Power186./283 Quadrants per Player, Ratio.


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6 Buddies of reinerh

color_poisoning, XLV1, olifant, Moggus, Bomo, soaquila