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Badge for Kanellar Kanellar, Mapper of Indiana


The player Kanellar holds 676 badges of 512 types. Kanellar played 368 full and 1678 half quadrants, totalling in 2046 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 34390 km(1 players), 34390 km(1 players), 34316 km(1 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 4 players13272 km, 4 players13262 km, 4 players13258 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2852 days Skralg-4, 2843 days Skralg-2, 2833 days Skralg-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1789 days, 1602 days, 1501 days, 1374 days, 1360 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.45 Gaensebluemchen-1, 5.82 Moggus-9, 5.42 Trolske-14
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 14./15 Geoguessers, 100 Days18./49 Countries Mapped21./391 Lonesome Players, Absolute22./341 Own Badges on Map25./126 Regions, Mapped and Ruled.
 Has badges in 2 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
United States of America United States of America Iceland Iceland

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Kanellar.

24 Buddies of Kanellar

Xyval, Trolske, Anne, Ellikatz, Mace, gasttor, Jerk, Moggus, DI74, Tanuki, Williane, Barney.vk, redgate, Kiki, DaanVZ, LilMamaChris35, InI4, Armpit, Ratte, dorima, Skralg, Wickie, Corence, Mannivu

38 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Kanellar

Indiana Arizona Maricopa County Chicago Phoenix Tennessee Iceland Capital Region Western Region Southern Region Mýrdalshreppur Sveitarfélagið Ölfus Southern Peninsula Reykjanesbær South Carolina Rangárþing eystra Volusia County Michigan Kentucky Miðborg Hamilton County Noblesville Carmel Davidson County Marion County Indianapolis Boone County Madison County Anderson Westfield Jefferson County Lake County Van Buren County Saint Joseph County LaPorte County Porter County Tippecanoe County Cheboygan County