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Badge of AustriaAustria

 Rulers and Mappers of

Badge of Lower Austria Lower Austria

The 4 masters of Lower Austria till now: QueenOfNowhere, Phii, Walkeroi, michixlol. To date 27 players have visited this region. Yet 3171 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Lower Austria.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2024-09-16 13:00-2025-02-17 08:16QueenOfNowhere
2024-08-18 07:00-2025-02-17 08:16michixlol
2024-08-17 20:00-2024-09-16 13:00michixlol
2020-03-29 12:00-2024-08-17 20:00QueenOfNowhere
2020-03-14 03:00-2020-03-29 12:00michixlol
2020-02-10 13:00-2020-03-14 03:00QueenOfNowhere
2020-01-01 18:00-2024-08-18 07:00QueenOfNowhere
2020-01-01 07:00-2020-02-10 13:00michixlol
2019-12-26 13:00-2020-01-01 07:00QueenOfNowhere
2018-08-04 05:00-2020-01-01 18:00michixlol
2018-08-03 18:00-2019-12-26 13:00michixlol
2018-08-02 07:00-2018-08-04 05:00Walkeroi
2018-08-01 20:00-2018-08-03 18:00Walkeroi
2018-06-30 06:00-2018-08-01 20:00michixlol
2018-05-24 08:00-2018-08-02 07:00michixlol
2018-05-18 14:00-2018-05-24 08:00Phii
2018-03-15 20:00-2018-06-30 06:00Phii
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Lower Austria

Yet Lower Austria has 756 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Lower Austria have been played thus far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Bezirk AmstettenBezirk Amstetten Badge of Bezirk BadenBezirk Baden Badge of Bezirk Bruck an der LeithaBezirk Bruck an der Leitha Badge of Bezirk GänserndorfBezirk Gänserndorf Badge of Bezirk HollabrunnBezirk Hollabrunn Badge of Bezirk HornBezirk Horn Badge of Bezirk KorneuburgBezirk Korneuburg Badge of Bezirk KremsBezirk Krems Badge of Bezirk LilienfeldBezirk Lilienfeld Badge of Bezirk MödlingBezirk Mödling Badge of Bezirk MelkBezirk Melk Badge of Bezirk MistelbachBezirk Mistelbach Badge of Bezirk NeunkirchenBezirk Neunkirchen Badge of Bezirk St. PöltenBezirk St. Pölten Badge of Bezirk TullnBezirk Tulln Badge of Bezirk Wiener NeustadtBezirk Wiener Neustadt Badge of Bezirk ZwettlBezirk Zwettl Badge of Gemeinde Krems an der DonauGemeinde Krems an der Donau Badge of Gemeinde St. PöltenGemeinde St. Pölten Badge of Wiener NeustadtWiener Neustadt  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions up to now: Bezirk Gmünd, Bezirk Scheibbs.

Sibling Regions of Lower Austria

Played regions on same layer like Lower Austria so far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of BurgenlandBurgenland Badge of CarinthiaCarinthia Badge of SalzburgSalzburg Badge of StyriaStyria Badge of TyrolTyrol Badge of Upper AustriaUpper Austria Badge of ViennaVienna Badge of VorarlbergVorarlberg  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions so far: Mauerbach.