Type 83 Image

Badge #3774 a TurboNeko-5

This badge was first seen 2016-04-03, last seen 2025-01-07. It has traveled a distance of 157533.5 km in the hands of 6 players, travel time 76820.3 h, average speed 49.22 km/d. This badge touched 4403 regions, is rank 1226 in players/distance ranking, rank 522 in pure distance ranking. This badges type image is rated 0.48 till now.
Privacy Note: Track has been reduced and does not contain all steps. Especially latest history is hidden. Coordinate resolution has also been reduced.
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 61./2000 Badge in Most Regions522./2000 Longest Traveled Badge1225./2000 Handed Over Badge.
Visited 19 Countries: Germany Germany Lithuania Lithuania Poland Poland France France Austria Austria Czechia Czechia Switzerland Switzerland Sweden Sweden The Netherlands The Netherlands Estonia Estonia Croatia Croatia Portugal Portugal Finland Finland Italy Italy Nirvana Nirvana Latvia Latvia Belgium Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg Slovenia Slovenia
Drop Regions: Gefrees Fürth Nuremberg Pegau Bad Köstritz