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 Rulers and Mappers of

Badge of Västernorrland County Västernorrland County

The 3 masters of Västernorrland County till now: LeiLar, spiceWeazel, TXL1. To date 3 players have visited this region. Yet 112 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Västernorrland County.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2024-10-15 07:00-2025-02-17 08:45spiceWeazel
2024-09-07 10:00-2025-02-17 08:45spiceWeazel
2020-01-31 23:00-2024-10-15 07:00TXL1
2020-01-31 11:00-2024-09-07 10:00TXL1
2019-08-02 10:00-2020-01-31 11:00LeiLar
2019-08-01 23:00-2020-01-31 23:00LeiLar
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Västernorrland County

So far Västernorrland County has 32 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Västernorrland County have been played up to now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Sundsvall MunicipalitySundsvall Municipality  .

Sibling Regions of Västernorrland County

Played regions on same layer like Västernorrland County so far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Örebro länÖrebro län Badge of Östergötlands länÖstergötlands län Badge of Blekinge CountyBlekinge County Badge of Dalarna CountyDalarna County Badge of Gävleborg CountyGävleborg County Badge of Gotland CountyGotland County Badge of Halland CountyHalland County Badge of Jönköpings länJönköpings län Badge of Jämtland CountyJämtland County Badge of Kalmar länKalmar län Badge of Kronobergs länKronobergs län Badge of Norrbotten CountyNorrbotten County Badge of Södermanlands länSödermanlands län Badge of Skåne CountySkåne County Badge of Stockholms länStockholms län Badge of Uppsala CountyUppsala County Badge of Värmland CountyVärmland County Badge of Västerbotten CountyVästerbotten County Badge of Västmanlands länVästmanlands län Badge of Västra Götalands länVästra Götalands län  .