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rules:highscores [2019/11/16 16:56] – [Highscores] Mega Chiprules:highscores [2020/09/02 23:17] (current) – [Stats] Mega Chip
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 ^Ranking^in App^Description^ ^Ranking^in App^Description^
 |4 Week Drop Power| |4 Week Drop Power|
 +|4 Week Take Power|
 |All Level, Ruled (Badge levels in region)| |All Level, Ruled (Badge levels in region)|
 |Average Badge Travel| | |Average Badge Travel| |
 +|Badges in Countries| |In how many countries a player has badges on the ground (and how many)|
 |[[ui:statistics_37|Badges in Foreign Hands]]|✔| |[[ui:statistics_37|Badges in Foreign Hands]]|✔|
 |[[ui:statistics_11|Badges in Hand]]|✔|???| |[[ui:statistics_11|Badges in Hand]]|✔|???|
Line 17: Line 19:
 |[[ui:statistics_24|Busy Voters]]|✔|Who votes most (for painted badges)| |[[ui:statistics_24|Busy Voters]]|✔|Who votes most (for painted badges)|
 |[[ui:statistics_25|Creators by Best Badge]]|✔|Each creator ranked by his [[strategy:beauty|most beautiful badge]]| |[[ui:statistics_25|Creators by Best Badge]]|✔|Each creator ranked by his [[strategy:beauty|most beautiful badge]]|
-|Common User Badges|✔|Which is the most common player created badge|+|Common User Badges|✔|Which is the most common player-created badge|
 |Different Regions Played| |Different Regions Played|
 |Different Weeklies| |How many different weeklies a player hold| |Different Weeklies| |How many different weeklies a player hold|
 |Distinct GeoChallenges Dropped| |How many different GC a player droped| |Distinct GeoChallenges Dropped| |How many different GC a player droped|
 |Hard-Fought Regions| |Hard-Fought Regions|
-|Level 0 Regions| |Which player has played in the most Countries|+|Level 0 Regions| |Which player has played in most Countries|
 |[[ui:statistics_18|Level 0 Ruled (Badge levels in region)]]| |[[ui:statistics_18|Level 0 Ruled (Badge levels in region)]]|
 |Last Year Mapper/Changes| |Last Year Mapper/Changes|
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 |Frequent Skills| |How many badges of each skill type exists| |Frequent Skills| |How many badges of each skill type exists|
 |Hard-Fought Regions| |In which [[rules:regions]] changes the ruler most| |Hard-Fought Regions| |In which [[rules:regions]] changes the ruler most|
 +|Large Region Transfers| |Dates, where most [[rules:regions]] changed the [[badge:ruler|ruler]]/[[badge:mapper|mapper]]|
 |Latest Regions| |Show the 10th latest [[rules:regions]] which are added (or changed)| |Latest Regions| |Show the 10th latest [[rules:regions]] which are added (or changed)|
 |Player Badge Levels| |How many [[rules:badges|Badges]] of the different [[rules:badge_level|levels]] exist| |Player Badge Levels| |How many [[rules:badges|Badges]] of the different [[rules:badge_level|levels]] exist|
 |[[ui:statistics_40|4 Relay - Fastest Badges]]|✔|The fastests transports of badges by 4 different consecutive players.| |[[ui:statistics_40|4 Relay - Fastest Badges]]|✔|The fastests transports of badges by 4 different consecutive players.|
 |[[ui:statistics_30|Regions Summary]]|✔|How many countries, regions, quadrants, rulers and mappers do we have.| |[[ui:statistics_30|Regions Summary]]|✔|How many countries, regions, quadrants, rulers and mappers do we have.|
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by Mega Chip