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 Mappers of

Badge of Lehndorf-Watenbüttel Lehndorf-Watenbüttel

The 2 masters of Lehndorf-Watenbüttel yet: drii, JohnFlame. Until now 10 players have visited this region. Till now 104 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Lehndorf-Watenbüttel. (Other names related to this region: Nordstadt-Schunteraue.)
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2023-05-13 10:00-2024-07-27 06:11JohnFlame
2022-08-13 07:00-2023-05-13 10:00drii
2022-04-30 20:00-2022-08-13 07:00JohnFlame
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

 Lehndorf-Watenbüttel in Statistics

372./1587 4 Weeks Most Actions904./1750 Region of 365d Most Played Quadrant1108./2043 Contested Mapper Regions.

Subregions of Lehndorf-Watenbüttel

Yet Lehndorf-Watenbüttel has 5 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Lehndorf-Watenbüttel have been played up to now:
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions to date: Ölper, Kanzlerfeld, Lehndorf, Völkenrode, Watenbüttel.

Sibling Regions of Lehndorf-Watenbüttel

Played regions on same layer like Lehndorf-Watenbüttel thus far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Braunschweig-SüdBraunschweig-Süd Badge of Hondelage-VolkmarodeHondelage-Volkmarode Badge of MitteMitte Badge of Nördliche Schunter-/OkeraueNördliche Schunter-/Okeraue Badge of Nordstadt-SchunteraueNordstadt-Schunteraue Badge of Südstadt-Rautheim-MascherodeSüdstadt-Rautheim-Mascherode Badge of SüdwestSüdwest Badge of Wabe-Schunter-BeberbachWabe-Schunter-Beberbach Badge of Westliches RinggebietWestliches Ringgebiet   .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions until now: Östliches Ringgebiet, Weststadt.