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 Rulers and Mappers of

Badge of Nördliche Ortsteile Nördliche Ortsteile

The 10 masters of Nördliche Ortsteile so far: drii, Megachip, Ellikatz, InI4, jellybelly, Pieper, olilo, thorkel, DasUmmi, Gaensebluemchen. To date 21 players have visited this region. So far 176 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Nördliche Ortsteile.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2024-10-03 19:00-2024-10-08 14:17olilo
2024-09-06 00:08-2024-10-03 19:00DasUmmi
2024-06-29 23:00-2024-09-06 00:08InI4
2024-05-28 09:06-2024-06-29 23:00DasUmmi
2024-05-25 12:00-2024-05-28 09:06jellybelly
2024-05-13 01:00-2024-05-25 12:00Ellikatz
2024-05-10 04:00-2024-05-13 01:00DasUmmi
2024-04-08 01:00-2024-10-08 14:17jellybelly
2024-01-21 21:06-2024-05-10 04:00Gaensebluemchen
2024-01-01 06:00-2024-04-08 01:00DasUmmi
2023-12-31 19:00-2024-01-21 21:06jellybelly
2023-11-05 17:00-2024-01-01 06:00jellybelly
2023-10-25 18:00-2023-12-31 19:00Gaensebluemchen
2023-09-29 21:06-2023-10-25 18:00DasUmmi
2023-08-31 04:00-2023-09-29 21:06Gaensebluemchen
2023-08-17 18:00-2023-08-31 04:00DasUmmi
2023-08-17 06:00-2023-11-05 17:00DasUmmi
2023-08-16 19:00-2023-08-17 18:00jellybelly
2023-07-07 13:00-2023-08-16 19:00DasUmmi
2023-05-22 13:00-2023-07-07 13:00thorkel
2023-04-19 11:00-2023-08-17 06:00Ellikatz
2023-04-02 17:00-2023-05-22 13:00drii
2023-03-14 00:00-2023-04-19 11:00DasUmmi
2023-02-23 19:00-2023-03-14 00:00Gaensebluemchen
2022-10-03 14:00-2023-04-02 17:00Pieper
2022-06-17 18:00-2023-02-23 19:00DasUmmi
2022-05-23 09:00-2022-10-03 14:00DasUmmi
2022-05-22 21:00-2022-06-17 18:00Gaensebluemchen
2022-04-27 12:00-2022-05-23 09:00Gaensebluemchen
2021-10-18 07:00-2022-05-22 21:00jellybelly
2020-12-19 10:00-2021-10-18 07:00Megachip
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Nördliche Ortsteile

Till now Nördliche Ortsteile has 8 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Nördliche Ortsteile have been played so far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of FahrlandFahrland Badge of MarquardtMarquardt Badge of SatzkornSatzkorn Badge of Uetz-PaarenUetz-Paaren  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions so far: Groß Glienicke, Neu Fahrland.

Sibling Regions of Nördliche Ortsteile

Played regions on same layer like Nördliche Ortsteile up to now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of BabelsbergBabelsberg Badge of InnenstadtInnenstadt Badge of Nördliche VorstädteNördliche Vorstädte Badge of Potsdam NordPotsdam Nord Badge of Potsdam SüdPotsdam Süd Badge of Potsdam SüdostPotsdam Südost Badge of Westliche VorstädteWestliche Vorstädte  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions yet: Hermannswerder, Uetz, Zentrum Ost und Nuthepark.