Type 9401 Image

Badge #156257 a missisStone-5

This badge was first seen 2021-04-03, last seen 2025-01-11. It has traveled a distance of 67092.8 km in the hands of 5 players, travel time 33093.2 h, average speed 48.66 km/d. This badge touched 1530 regions, is rank 5565 in players/distance ranking, rank 27486 in pure distance ranking.
Privacy Note: Track has been reduced and does not contain all steps. Especially latest history is hidden. Coordinate resolution has also been reduced.
Visited 15 Countries: Spain Spain Germany Germany Singapore Singapore Malaysia Malaysia United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Iceland Iceland Nirvana Nirvana Thailand Thailand Egypt Egypt Indonesia Indonesia Oman Oman Maldives Maldives Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Vietnam Vietnam Cambodia Cambodia
Drop Regions: Lübbenau (Spreewald) Storkow (Mark) Stendal Potsdam Magdeburg Potsdam Süd