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Unowned Region

Plau am See unruled Plau am See

When? Ruler Mapper
Current Score
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Plau am See

Following direct parts of Plau am See have been played so far:
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions until now: Ganzlin.

Sibling Regions of Plau am See

Played regions on same layer like Plau am See till now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Boizenburg-LandBoizenburg-Land Badge of CrivitzCrivitz Badge of Eldenburg LübzEldenburg Lübz Badge of Goldberg-MildenitzGoldberg-Mildenitz Badge of GrabowGrabow Badge of Hagenow-LandHagenow-Land Badge of LudwigslustLudwigslust Badge of Ludwigslust-LandLudwigslust-Land Badge of Neustadt-GleweNeustadt-Glewe Badge of Parchimer UmlandParchimer Umland Badge of WittenburgWittenburg Badge of ZarrentinZarrentin   .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions thus far: Boizenburg/Elbe, Brenz, Dömitz-Malliß, Hagenow, Parchim, Sternberger Seenlandschaft, Stralendorf.