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 Mappers of

Badge of Rheinberg Rheinberg

The one master of Rheinberg so far: Phii. Until now 6 players have visited this region. To date 82 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Rheinberg.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2023-05-01 22:00-2024-12-03 18:21Phii
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Rheinberg

So far Rheinberg has 9 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Rheinberg have been played so far:
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions up to now: Borth, Budberg, Orsoy, Rheinberg.

Sibling Regions of Rheinberg

Played regions on same layer like Rheinberg until now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of DinslakenDinslaken Badge of HünxeHünxe Badge of HamminkelnHamminkeln Badge of MoersMoers Badge of Neukirchen-VluynNeukirchen-Vluyn Badge of XantenXanten  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions up to now: Alpen, Huck, Kamp-Lintfort, Menzelen-West, Schermbeck, Sonsbeck, Voerde (Niederrhein), Wesel.