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Unowned Region

Borna-Heinersdorf unruled Borna-Heinersdorf

Until now 8 players have visited this region. Until now 12 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Borna-Heinersdorf.
When? Ruler Mapper
Current Score
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Sibling Regions of Borna-Heinersdorf

Played regions on same layer like Borna-Heinersdorf until now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of RöhrsdorfRöhrsdorf Badge of ZentrumZentrum  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions till now: Adelsberg, Altchemnitz, Altendorf, Bernsdorf, Euba, Furth, Gablenz, Glösa-Draisdorf, Helbersdorf, Hutholz, Kaßberg, Kapellenberg, Kappel, Klaffenbach, Kleinolbersdorf-Altenhain, Markersdorf, Morgenleite, Rabenstein, Reichenbrand, Reichenhain, Rottluff, Schönau, Schloßchemnitz, Siegmar, Sonnenberg, Stelzendorf, Yorckgebiet.