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 Rulers and Mappers of

Badge of Goes Goes

The 6 masters of Goes until now: Dasm, Barney.vk, color_poisoning, Heisenberg, Bart23, DaanVZ. Up to now 5 players have visited this region. So far 66 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Goes.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2024-04-05 04:00-2025-02-15 02:21Heisenberg
2024-04-04 17:07-2025-02-15 02:21Heisenberg
2022-11-08 23:00-2024-04-04 17:07DaanVZ
2022-10-13 04:00-2022-11-08 23:00Dasm
2022-10-12 16:00-2024-04-05 04:00DaanVZ
2022-10-11 06:00-2022-10-13 04:00Heisenberg
2021-12-27 17:00-2022-10-11 06:00DaanVZ
2021-09-05 16:00-2021-12-27 17:00Bart23
2021-09-04 17:00-2021-09-05 16:00color_poisoning
2020-09-04 14:00-2021-09-04 17:00Barney.vk
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Goes

Up to now Goes has 6 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Goes have been played up to now:
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions yet: 's-Heer Arendskerke, Goes, Kloetinge, Oud-Sabbinge, Wilhelminadorp, Wolphaartsdijk.

Sibling Regions of Goes

Played regions on same layer like Goes till now:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of KapelleKapelle Badge of MiddelburgMiddelburg Badge of Noord-BevelandNoord-Beveland Badge of ReimerswaalReimerswaal Badge of Schouwen-DuivelandSchouwen-Duiveland Badge of SluisSluis Badge of TerneuzenTerneuzen Badge of TholenTholen Badge of VeereVeere Badge of VlissingenVlissingen  .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Sibling Regions up to now: Borsele, Hulst.