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Badge for Ilexa Ilexa, Mapper of Hückeswagen


The player Ilexa holds 754 badges of 702 types. Ilexa played 69 full and 1405 half quadrants, totalling in 1474 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 32996 km(2 players), 32523 km(2 players), 29729 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 4 players3943 km, 4 players3918 km, 4 players3674 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2426 days Lingonberry-4, 2347 days Lingonberry-6, 2328 days alexs77-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1621 days, 1239 days, 790 days, 702 days, 675 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.43 Saniafeh-8, 4.92 shibby_ronson-8, 4.86 carlptr-114
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 1./12 Geoguessers, 100 Days18./42 Leading in Cached Statistics19./97 Free Capacity24./107 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)36./141 Time per Latest Badge Levels.
 Has badges in 2 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany The Netherlands The Netherlands

17 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Ilexa

Cologne Innenstadt Oberbergischer Kreis Kreis Olpe Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis Mülheim Kalk Remscheid Märkischer Kreis Leverkusen Lennep Hürth Hückeswagen Bergisch Gladbach Schwelm Odenthal Overath

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Ilexa.

79 Buddies of Ilexa

Bomo, _yak, Felix11, Wurm, Jaxel, Megachip, DaanVZ, drii, Phii, Ellikatz, DasUmmi, werla, Aguti, jellybelly, Bumblebee, Barney.vk, olifant, michixlol, Loki, shibby_ronson, Eule, Pieper, Gaensebluemchen, carlptr, Kosmokrat, color_poisoning, Mottenmann, Hugosoft, thorkel, Derholzspan, mc1r, T-Rex, Ratte, Rainbow, JohnFlame, jenzanos, Krypton1984, Nick, Auraren, Moggus, Blackcats, pj007, gasttor, alexs77, InI4, wuffel, Busterania, Dasm, Klugey, Trolske, DTas, asp_fan_cb, Anolis, Kellu73, 4N3G4ZPK, Bart23, lucy, Heisenberg, Johanni_09, Saniafeh, BoF-GB, olilo, FotografieStorch, MegaAnt, Uhu712, Egga, XLV1, Matze, erebos, forbidden72, MasterFlo, Goldesel, CrazyChris, Schatzforscher, marvinpoo, xwusel, 1Test1, ThorsGate, Kleiner