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Badge for Banquienchen Banquienchen, Mapper of Zerzabelshof

The player Banquienchen holds 1223 badges of 549 types. Banquienchen played 249 full and 686 half quadrants, totalling in 935 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 148218 km(4 players), 146538 km(4 players), 137466 km(4 players)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 10 players31599 km, 8 players29344 km, 7 players71106 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3047 days InI4-3, 3027 days InI4-1, 3021 days Ratte-3
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2999 days, 2979 days, 2972 days, 2966 days, 2959 days
 Highest rated badges held: 4.52 carlptr-10, 4.32 onlineflow-3, 3.97 carlptr-15
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 15./93 Gifts Taken37./373 Badges with Other Players39./84 Gifts Provided41./487 Badge Travel, Total 44./613 Own Power in Hand.
 Has badges in 13 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Greece Greece Switzerland Switzerland Finland Finland France France Croatia Croatia Romania Romania Iceland Iceland Serbia Serbia

2 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Banquienchen

Zerzabelshof Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Ettenheim

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Banquienchen.

69 Buddies of Banquienchen

carlptr, InI4, Auraren, Ratte, gasttor, olifant, wuffel, color_poisoning, dorima, Kosmokrat, XLV1, Spes, olilo, Lila, GeHa, Barney.vk, Team-13-RDR, TurboNeko, AleksUA, DaanVZ, .sid, Megachip, _yak, jellybelly, Ellikatz, Blackcats, Phii, DasUmmi, Rainbow, Stil, kredrimi, mxke, jenzanos, Blackbird5, lucy, Usco, Plueschi, blaumersin, https, Loki, Dasm, Bart23, 4N3G4ZPK, thorkel, Leckmuschel, Schatzforscher, T-Rex, xwusel, ibleedhope, aleccale, Gaensebluemchen, Goldesel, BernhardQba, Bomo, Aguti, JollyRoger, Knuspakex, Pieper, SzyMarek, derM12, ThorsGate, Floyd, Trolske, teameimsbush, Jaxel, Mueller, asp_fan_cb, michixlol, drii