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Badge for Hugosoft Hugosoft, Mapper of Rodenkirchen

The player Hugosoft holds 224 badges of 175 types. Hugosoft played 31 full and 192 half quadrants, totalling in 223 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 770 km(3 players), 734 km(2 players), 727 km(1 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 2010 days Saturnglimmer-13, 1782 days FotografieStorch-8, 1277 days _yak-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 752 days, 477 days, 403 days, 302 days, 208 days
 Highest rated badges held: 4.45 shibby_ronson-1, 3.61 Heisenberg-15, 3.23 Trolske-11
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 3./140 Time per Latest Badge Levels30./99 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)34./40 Leading in Cached Statistics59./100 Free Capacity81./205 FIS Meta-Pointsystem.

3 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Hugosoft

Kalk Rodenkirchen Ehrenfeld

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Hugosoft.

33 Buddies of Hugosoft

Trolske, Aguti, T-Rex, Ilexa, Bomo, _yak, Jaxel, Wurm, pj007, Hunter, Barney.vk, carlptr, Phii, wuffel, Kellu73, FotografieStorch, olifant, jenzanos, Felix11, werla, drii, InI4, Gaensebluemchen, Ellikatz, DaanVZ, Mottenmann, Ratte, Heisenberg, Dasm, Megachip, Bumblebee, jellybelly, Kosmokrat