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Vote Dialog

The vote dialog occurs every day when app thinks you're idle in the app. The occurrence reappears until you successfully vote.

You have to decide between two painted badges, which one you like more.

For that you have 6 options:

  • if you think both badges are equal or cant decide, you can choose EQUAL
  • if you prefer the upper badge, you can give it 1 or 2 points
  • if you prefer the lower badge, choose the lower 1 or 2 button
  • if you have not time, you skip voting by pressing the back button or tapping somewhere outside the vote dialog

Badge votes are accumulated and transformed into the Badge Parade. System takes care, that you never rate your own badges and your votes are distributed evenly over created badges and badge creators.

The ratings influence if and how many monthly diamonds their creators get.

  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by Frank Nestel