The Quadrant Economy of Badgers
The way green/full quadrants are obtained in Badgers, creates closed loops of players. This is important, since green quadrant are a major part of scoring.
Consider a quadrant where player A dropped one of his badges. Player B comes, takes it and drops a own badge. When later A comes and takes this, that quadrant is maxed out for A and B, a green quadrant, nothing to gain any more. These loops can be larger when more player interact in a circular fashion in one quadrant. I.e. player visiting in order A, B, C, D, E, F, A can create a 6 loop, i.e. a quadrant of lesser interest for those 6 players, by A dropping an own badge, B taking and dropping an own, C like B, … and finally A taking.
Of course a quadrant might still become interesting to loop players by new, previously unseen badges, preferable of players outside that loop.
- You can have those loops either while roaming the streets as a group or delayed in a one badge a day fashion, without actually meeting the other players in real world.
- In any case, you can split cycle, i.e. a 6 player group can create a 6-cycle, or 3 cycles of two players or 2 cycles of 3 playes. When romaing with a odd number of players, be sure to have one cycle with an odd number of players.
- We've tryed 5 people f2f quadrants and it turned out to get slower than expected. The point is, that everyone did not only want to trade quadrants but also certain badges, so we needed quite a few minutes in every quadrant to haggle who gets which badge by whom. But of course this is negotiating with people not doing video games.