Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. **Note:** This is about statistics. If you want to know, how to level and score, go to [[rules:player_level|the Player Level Page]]. ====== Scores/Rankings/Stats ====== If you like numbers, you will love Badge(r)s ;) A lot of Stats/Rankings are shown randomly on the Homepage.\\ Some of them are collected non frequent in [[|this telegram channel]]. ===== Highscores ===== Badge(r)s provides more and more of Rankings/Highscores. Beside the homepage, you can access some of them via the [[ui:start|stats button]] in the client. ^Ranking^in App^Description^ |4 Week Drop Power| |4 Week Take Power| |All Level, Ruled (Badge levels in region)| |Average Badge Travel| | |Badges in Countries| |In how many countries a player has badges on the ground (and how many)| |[[ui:statistics_37|Badges in Foreign Hands]]|✔| |[[ui:statistics_11|Badges in Hand]]|✔|???| |Badges in Regions| |[[ui:statistics_24|Busy Voters]]|✔|Who votes most (for painted badges)| |[[ui:statistics_25|Creators by Best Badge]]|✔|Each creator ranked by his [[strategy:beauty|most beautiful badge]]| |Common User Badges|✔|Which is the most common player-created badge| |Different Regions Played| |Different Weeklies| |How many different weeklies a player hold| |Distinct GeoChallenges Dropped| |How many different GC a player droped| |Hard-Fought Regions| |Level 0 Regions| |Which player has played in most Countries| |[[ui:statistics_18|Level 0 Ruled (Badge levels in region)]]| |Last Year Mapper/Changes| |Last Year Ruler/Changes| |[[ui:statistics_17|Level 0, Mapper (Quadrants in region)]]| |Mapper (Quadrants in region)| |In how many different [[rules:regions]] has the player [[rules:quadrants]]| |Mappers and Rulers| |How many Mapper and Ruler Badges own the player| |[[ui:statistics_21|Most Collected Player]]|✔|whos badges are most collected| |[[ui:statistics_15|Most Exclusive Collectors]]|✔|Players ranked by sum of their collected badge type [[strategy:beauty|beauty voting.]]| |[[ui:statistics_16|Most Exclusive Producers]]|✔|Players ranked by sum of their produced badge type [[strategy:beauty|beauty voting.]]| |[[ui:statistics_28|Most Handed Over Badges]]|✔|Which Badge has the most taken/drop by different players| |[[ui:statistics_14|Most Liked Badge-Types]]|✔|wich badge has the most [[rules:badges#vote|votes]]| |Most taken Badges| |Which Badge was taken most and by how many players| |Most Valued Collection| |Which player collected the most best [[rules:badges#vote|rated]] badges| |Number of Buddies| |with how many different players a [[rules:player|player]] has [[ui:colocs|common quadrants]]| |[[ui:statistics_13|Own Badges on Map]]|✔|How many player badges are on the map| |Quadrants Ones Badges Touched| | | |Quadrants per Player| |Which player has the most (half and full) [[rules:quadrants]]| |Rare User Badges| |Which user badges are the rarest| |Regions Ones Badges Touched| | |Regions Played First| |How many regions a player discovered/explored| |Ruled (Badge levels in region)| |How many ruler badges one has.| |[[ui:statistics_29|Total Badge Production]]|✔|How many badges produced by player (+types +% on map)| |Weekly Thieves| ===== Stats ===== ^ ^in App^Description^ |Badge Level on Map| |How many [[rules:badges|Badges]] of the different [[rules:badge_level|levels]] located on earth| |Different Players on a Quadrant.| |How many quadrants are played by how many players| |Frequent Skills| |How many badges of each skill type exists| |Hard-Fought Regions| |In which [[rules:regions]] changes the ruler most| |Large Region Transfers| |Dates, where most [[rules:regions]] changed the [[badge:ruler|ruler]]/[[badge:mapper|mapper]]| |Latest Regions| |Show the 10th latest [[rules:regions]] which are added (or changed)| |Player Badge Levels| |How many [[rules:badges|Badges]] of the different [[rules:badge_level|levels]] exist| |[[ui:statistics_40|4 Relay - Fastest Badges]]|✔|The fastests transports of badges by 4 different consecutive players.| |[[ui:statistics_30|Regions Summary]]|✔|How many countries, regions, quadrants, rulers and mappers do we have.| Last modified: 5 years agoby Mega Chip