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Badge for HANSEBANGER HANSEBANGER, Mapper of Haute-Saône

The player HANSEBANGER holds 53 badges of 20 types. HANSEBANGER played 1 full and 121 half quadrants, totalling in 122 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 35576 km(2 players), 23216 km(2 players), 23216 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 1041 days QueenOfNowhere-14, 643 days olifant-118, 577 days InI4-125
 Oldest weekly badges held: 592 days
 Highest rated badges held: 3.73 QueenOfNowhere-14
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 63./129 Played in Countries107./338 Lonesome Players, Relative121./145 Geoguess Badge Droppers (36h ago)130./195 Badges in Countries131./150 Geoguess Badge Creators.
 Has badges in 4 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
United Kingdom United Kingdom Czechia Czechia France France Hungary Hungary

4 Regions Ruled or Mapped by HANSEBANGER

Haute-Saône Pest megye Pays de la Loire Corrèze

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of HANSEBANGER.

22 Buddies of HANSEBANGER

QueenOfNowhere, Ellikatz, XLV1, Barney.vk, DaanVZ, olilo, thorkel, pj007, Rainbow, olifant, color_poisoning, windthings, Bomo, AleksUA, ThorsGate, InI4, asp_fan_cb, Ratte, jenzanos, idle, Horand, drii