This is an old revision of the document!


Short tap on badge typeopen/close badge list of this type
Long press on badge typeopen user Profile, not working on System/skill
Short tap on badgebadge detailled view
Long press on badgeprecise drop, works even in chest

You can sort each filter by Producer, Level, Quantity, Beauty-Rating and TypID.

This is you main and default inventory.

This is your storage vault. It prevents you to accidently drop badges. Put all badges here, which you are not planning to drop in near future.

This filter shown only the non player badges (aka system, skill, ruler, explorer, mapper and so on)

Show only painted badges.

Show all Badges in Inventory. Badges marked with an “+” (see number 8 on this picture) are located in Chest, Badges without “+” in Bag.

  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by Mega Chip