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Geoguessing Game

The geoguessing game can be found here Geoguess the badge


Every 19 hours there is a new puzzle. The system then selects a user badge, based on a complex set of criteria. You are presented with an image from Google maps, the user name, the badge level, and the last digit of the badge. The image you see is the nearest Google Streetview image you can get. You need the app to find the matching quadrant. If you found the badge, long press, and this will reveal the quadrant. You need to input this as the solution to the puzzle.

Diamonds for Geoguessing

Did you know you can earn up to 4 diamonds per month by playing the Geoguessing game?

Note : the system counts the puzzles that ended during that month. Since puzzles run for 36 hours, it's good to know which ones are counted in which month.

Some strategy hints

Reducing number of candidates

How does the scoring system work?

Basically we distinguish between exact guesses, and non-exact guesses Exact guesses always take priority over non-exact guesses.

Exact guessers

Exact guessers get points in the range 6-10. The formula is 6 + 4/rank, where rank = the order in which the guesses were made

Non-exact guessers

Non-exact guessers gets points in the range 0-6. The score goes down with both, distance and rank, where rank is based on distance and, in rare cases of ties, answering time.