====== User Interface and Statistics ======
{{ :ui:ui.png?300|}}
===== Buttons =====
|1|{{:ui:buttons:inventar.png?30|}}|[[ui:inventory|Inventory]]|79 = Number of Badges in [[rules:inventory|Inventory]], 144 = Space of Inventory (ergo 65 free). Try to top, long top, double tap and(!) swipe for different configurable views!|
| |{{:ui:buttons:diamond.png?25|}}|[[badge:magic_diamond#diamond_shopping|Diamonds]]|only appears if user has an [[badge:magic_diamond|diamond]] in [[rules:inventory|inventory]]|
|2|{{:ui:buttons:paint.png?25|}}|[[ui:paint|Paint]]|only appears if user has an [[badge:paint_brush|painter badge]] in [[rules:inventory|inventory]]|
|4|{{:ui:buttons:buddies.png?25|}}|[[ui:Colocs]]|19 Players who played the same [[rules:quadrants|quadrants]] like you.|
| |{{:ui:buttons:chat.png?25|}}|[[ui:Chat|Chat]]|Of course there is a chat.|
| |{{:ui:buttons:playeractions.png?25|}}|Player Actions|A log of all your badges going in and out.|
|5|{{:ui:buttons:stats.png?25|}}|[[rules:highscores|Statistics]]|Submenu with different [[rules:highscores|statistics]] and usertimeline|
|6|{{:ui:buttons:bookmarks.png?25|}}|[[ui:Bookmarks]]|Named Locations. Include automatic (e.g. [[badge:weekly|Weeklies]]) and manual bookmarks.|
|7|{{:ui:buttons:locfix.png?25|}}|Lock GPS|Jumps on actual position|
|8|{{:ui:buttons:daynight.png?25|}}|Day/Night|Switchs the map between day and night mode|
|9|{{:ui:buttons:filter.png?25|}}|[[Filter|Filter]]|Show/Hide [[map#badges|touched badges on the map]]. Try tap and long tap!|
|10|{{:ui:buttons:reload.png?25|}}|Reload|Map & badges and more.|
|11|{{:ui:buttons:settings.png?25|}}|[[ui:dotmenu|Dot Menu]]|Settings, Help, About and more.|
Depending on your inventory and level, there can be more buttons at the lower edge than in the screenshot. In this case you can scroll the lower edge buttons to the right an to the left to see more.
===== Information Elements =====
|2|[[ui:netsync|Connect Quality]]|shown 4 states(red, orange, yellow, green)|
|3|Logo|Touch for player stats.|
|4|[[rules:player_level|Level]]|Touch for player stats.|
|5|[[rules:ranks|Rank]]|Touch for player stats.|
|6|Username|Touch for player stats.|
===== Summary: All Badgers User Interface Pages=====