====== Components of the Game ====== For the more documentation minded, here a start of game concepts in the game. * Movement in the Real World * Little or no "Sofa Play". * Components: GPS, Map, [[rules:quadrants|Quadrants]] * Collecting Items * Quantity shall be secondary, different types matter, not many badges. * Collect different Badges. * Some kind of surprise a certain badge details can only be seen after picking it up. * Components: [[rules:badges|Badges]] * Lightweight User Interaction * As every player creates and distributes his own badge collection, you essentially collect "the other players" (and some system) * Components: [[rules:badges|Badges]], Map (Maybe chat sometime) * Game of Area Conquering * Political and Administrative regions from OSM can controlled via Power and Presence * Components: [[rules:badges|badges]], [[rules:quadrants|quadrants]], OSM * Achievements * Currently mainly Area Conquering, more possible (I.e. geometric formations on map). * Components: [[rules:badges|badges]], [[rules:quadrants|quadrants]] * Beauty Contest * Badges can be decorated with images and rated. * Components: [[rules:badges|badges]], [[rules:painter|painter]], [[rules:vote|vote]] * Skill System * Special skill badges as gifts or buyable by diamonds. * Traveling Items * Items (but not players) are tracked: Locations, Distances and Owners can be retrieved later. * Components: [[rules:badges|badges]] * Unlimited Leveling * Leveling itself does not give "new power", but a gift. * Level gives production range of your own badge collection. * Components: [[rules:badges|badges]], [[rules:quadrants|quadrants]], map activity * Inventory Management * Inventory split in Bag and Chest to create some personal bookkeeping. * Sorting and Filtering.